The Thing About Dreams

They almost never turn out like you’d expect.

Here’s the thing about dreams...

They almost never turn out like you expect. They almost always take longer to transpire than you would like. Nearly every dream takes detours that will blindside you.

And all these things can HURT and hurt BADLY. BUT they are also part of our equipping. Can we trust the Dream-Giver with the dreams in our hearts? Can we trust that every painful detour and delay will actually be used for our good? What if the places you’re meant to go and the people you’re meant to reach NEED you to go through these tough things so that you can be a qualified guide at the perfect moment? I know it’s hard to be a dreamer right now, but I need you to keep dreaming. Ok? Heal. Dream. Believe. Trust. God knows what’s going on...I promise


It’s all FREE!


YOU are the Magic!