How to Keep Hoping When the Holidays Feel Hard...

It feels like so much of the world is heavy right now, doesn’t it?

I know I have felt it. But inevitably, every year around this time I hear a Christmas hymn or see “glory to God in the highest” on a holiday banner, and I get choked up, remembering how Hope Himself came to us as a tiny baby, and the life He lived and the sacrifice He made because He LOVES us.

Jesus Himself lived in the uncomfortable in-between…that space of time where hope was on the horizon, but had not yet come. Do you feel like you’re in that in-between right now? Or maybe have you felt like you’ve been there for so long that you’re starting to give up on hope, because it hurts too much? If that is where you’re at, I so understand, friend. I have been there, too. And sometimes all we can do is pray that Jesus will be near and not allow our spark of faith to fade completely.

And I’ll tell you what - He is so completely faithful. He is. I promise. He is. He will come through for you. Hold onto that spark, and hold onto Him.

I thought we could all use a reminder to stay hopeful in the juxtaposition of heaviness and joy that we feel this season, so I’ve created a 10-day Advent devotional experience for us to remind us of the miracle of hope in this season, the reason we celebrate in the first place. It’s called The Most Joyous News, and will start December 12! There will be 10 days of story-based, interactive devotionals sent to your email, and 2 zoom calls for us to connect and find community with each other.

And it’s ABSOLUTELY FREE. All you have to do is sign up on my ADVENT PAGE.

I’m so looking forward to doing this with you, my friend. May we rejoice together again at the miracle of Advent. Will you join me???


It Starts with a Decision...


You Must Be So Tired…